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Q: Products that contain magnesium hydroxide frequently cause?
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Related questions

Does Pepcid have magnesium trisilicate?

Pepcid complete contain magnesium hydroxide.

What acid is in magnesium hydroxide?

Magnesium hydroxide is not an acid nor does it contain one. Like other hydroxides it is a base.

Why milk of magnesia doesn't contain sodiun draoxide?

It is made of magnesium hydroxide, not sodium dioxide.

What type of chemical do antacids contain?

Anti acids are basically composed by magnesium hydroxide. As they react with the chloridric acid, the excessive acid is neutralized. These are meant not to neutralize the whole acid, but only the exceeding acid.

What are the ingredients in mylanta?

It depends on which Mylanta you use: see:

Reaction of antacids?

It can contain one or more of several substances: Magnesium hydroxide, aluminum hydroxide, sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate.

What products have alkali in them?

Toothpaste and solid soap- contain "sodium hydroxide". Indigestion tablets- contain "calcium carbonate." Washing powder- contain "sodium bicarbonate". Liquid soap- contain "potassium hydroxide"

Which acid or base is present in milk of magnesia?

Milk of Magnesia is basic, so there are bases in it - not acids. Magnesium Hydroxide is in it (Mg(OH)2).

What household items contain magnesium?

Milk of magnesia is an aqueous suspension of magnesium hydroxide.

Do all commercial antacids contain magnesium hydroxide?

No, many contains sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, or calcium carbonate instead.

What household products contain alkalis?

there is alkali in:most oven cleanersbicarbonate of sodaVanish cleanerBleachstain removergrease off (try Astonish)most drain unblockersetc.hope it helped xxx from Hennie

What chemicals do antacid contain?

An antacid usually contains some sort of base. One antacid, milk of magnesia, is magnesium hydroxide. Other antacids include aluminum hydroxide, sodium bicarbonate, and potassium bicarbonate.