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Q: Professional who advises the correct combination of foods to eat?
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What is the correct possessive form of foods?

foods' ( if it's plural) food's ( if it's singular)

What do professional boxers eat?

Professional Boxers usually eat the type of foods that are.. *Carbohydrates *Proteins *Fats *Waters

How would you advise a pregnant mother too eat the correct foods?

Yes, I would advise a pregnant mother to eat the correct foods. It is very important that the mother eats enough nutritious foods to keep the baby healthy. If not, it could affect the baby in a negative way so make sure you eat the correct foods.

How do you spell coulinary?

The correct spelling is culinary (referring to cooking and foods).

Is there a list of foods to help have healthy blood?

Food has an adverse affect on your over all health. For instance, if you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol there are foods that you can avoid or be sure to include in your diet to help correct those health issues. It is important to consult with a medical professional if you suffer from any health conditions.

What diets focus on combining different foods into healthy meals?

Some diets focus on the correct combination of foods in order to achieve weight loss and overall health. One of them is the Hay diet, which forbids combining protein and carbohydrates in the same meal. Another one is the sequential eating diet, that promotes eating foods that contain the most water first, and the most concentrated foods last.

How do you spell craveings?

The correct spelling is "cravings" (desires, especially for foods).

Why must foods be put in the correct storage area?

Stop cheating

How do you spell cuisine?

That is the correct spelling of "cuisine" (cooking and cooked foods).

How do you spell delicacies?

That is the correct spelling of "delicacies" (tasty or rare foods).

What combination of foods do Canadians consume?

they consumse mostly what they grow

Which professional sports banned the use of creatine by athletes?

Creatine has not been banned in any professional sport because many everyday foods contain it and it would be hard to ban those foods. In addition, the body, on its own, produced about 2 grams of it every day.