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the answer fer this is conservation

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Q: Protecting animals and plants making sure they do not become extinct?
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How do scientists make endangered animals not extinct?

scientists are trying to save the endangered species , by just making the people aware of the animals. scientists can save the endangered animals only if they come to know that how to make an animal from it's DNA. if this happens only if it can,,, the extinct species like the dodo can become alive again.

Why did hobbits become extinct?

Come to be extinct? Technically, The Hobbit was never truly extinct, because otherwise we wouldn't have copies of it today! You might try making your question a bit clearer, if this isn't what you wanted to hear...

What reduces the biodiversity of US?

by making national parks and protecting the animals

How did the bald uakari become extinct?

Actually it is still alive, but hunting and habitat loss are making its struggle far more difficult.

What role does man have in making animals extinct?

i think its our fault the animals go extict because of polution and mining that kind of stuff we just need to stop and let nature take its place.

Why does making nectare help flowers become pollinated?

Animals looking for nectar spread pollen

What is the difference between an extinct and endangered species?

Endangered does not mean extinct.Extinct means all specimens of that species are gone.Endangered means that the species is in danger of extinction.

How does soil erosion affects animals?

To a point it could. The erosion could destroy the plants and the ability of trees to grow taking away the animals natural habitat. And the erosion could also destroy the land where they use to build their homes,nest,den.from one article i read this in turn could mess with their ability to have offspring making their numbers dwindle.and eventually causing them to become endangered or extinct. ~XDDXDD~

Why did pandas become extinct?

Pandas are becoming extinct because humans are destroying the habitat of the pandas because of the population, cutting down the bamboo, and the change of weather.The pandas are becoming extinct because the bamboo forests in China are being destroyed by man at a fast rate leaving the pandas with no food. These pandas are usually found in South-western China in small forest fragments at damp altitudes of 400 feet and their main food is the bamboo.

What is the impact of the endangered Hector's dolphins on humans?

People havent taken into thought that when you throw your litter or rubbish into the water it is killing off hector dolphins making them become extinct!