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Q: Protein molecules are the building blocks of the body?
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Which nutrient is used for building and reparing your body?

Proteins, they are often called the building blocks of the body.

Most carbohydrates in the human body are?

Used as building blocks for protein

What are subunits of protein?

Amino Acids =]Proteins are the building blocks of the human body, and are made up of smaller molecules called amino acids.

What is the used of protein in your body?

Proteins are the building blocks of most tissues and nearly all receptors.

Five building blocks of the human body?

protein carbohydrates fatty acids minerals water

Does water help in the building of body tissue?

yes because water is part of a protein and proteins are the structural building blocks of the body. Through dehydration synthesis the water is lost and a protein is created.

What does the body use protein for?

The body uses proteins as "building blocks" - proteins are required by the body for everything from cell wall building to muscle control.

What are the problems of taking insufficient protein?

Proteins are the building blocks of the body and are essential for all the body systems and their processes. Without sufficient protein your body would wither away, become weak, and eventually die as a result.

How do amino acids work in the digestive system?

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins.Amino acid molecules tied up and make a protein chain in D.N.A. There are different kind of amino acids.The type of amino acids decide the shape of the protein to perform repair work in the cell of our different organ. human body can not produce amino acids. It ingested in our body through food.

Why is the cell called the basic unit of all living matter?

It is a matter of perspective. Cells are the building blocks for tissue. Tissue is the building block for organs. Organs are the building blocks for the body. Proteins are the building blocks for cells.....molecules are the building blocks for proteins.....atoms are the building blocks for molecules.

True or false high quality protein foods contain amino acid in the same ratio as proteins contained in human body?

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein?

What are amino acids found in foods you eat?

They are the building blocks of protein. Your body digest your food all the way down to the amino acid to get the protein it needs to grow in strength.