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plants, fungi or animals...

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Q: Protists are organisms that cannot be classified as?
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What percentage of the worlds organisms are classified protists?


What types of organisms can be classified?

the animal fungi protists .

Which organisms are in the same kingdom because they cannot form organs?


Are there one celled organisms classified in the plant kingdom?

No, one-celled organisms are classified in the kingdom Protista or Monera, not in the plant kingdom (Plantae). One-celled organisms such as bacteria, protists, and algae belong to these kingdoms based on their characteristics and structures.

How are the different types of protist classified?

Protists are either unicellular of multicellular organisms. Different types of protists are classified by the characteristics that resemble those of fungi, plants, and animals.

Why are organisms classified into groups of protists plants and fungi?

so people will not get confused

Are Cnidarians protists?

No, cnidarians are not protists. Cnidarians are a diverse group of animals that include jellyfish, corals, and sea anemones. Protists are a separate group of eukaryotic organisms that are not classified as animals.

Do protistas have nucleus?

Yes and no. The reason for this answer is that every organism that is not classified as an animal, plant, fungus, or bacteria is classified into the kingdom or "Protista". Protists can be extremely small, unicellular, microscopic organisms. Or protists can be extremely large organisms, such as giant kelp. So, all in all, yes protists do have nuclei, but not all of them. Hope that helps! They are either eukaryotic or prokaryotic so its yes and no

What stops scientist from classifying plantlike protists as plants?

Plant like protists cannot be classified as plants because unlike plants, some plant like protists use chemicals to produce food which makes the protists look different colors.

What descriptions applies to most protists?

These organisms are eukaryotes, meaning they are made up of single or multiple cells which all contain a nucleus enclosed by a membrane. The protists are a diverse group of eukaryotes that cannot be classified as animals, plants, or fungi. Organisms in the Protista kingdom include amoebae, red algae, dinoflagellates, diatoms, euglena and slime molds.

Amoebas are classified as?

Amoebas are classified as protists.

Algae and other tiny organisms that live in water are classified as?

Algae and other tiny organisms that live in water are classified as plankton. Plankton are important members of aquatic ecosystems, serving as a food source for larger organisms and playing a role in nutrient cycling.