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They can be a bit harder to treat than bacterial diseases, because on a cellular level, protozoa are more like humans than bacteria are like humans.

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Q: Protozoan diseases are easy to treat?
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What are some protozoan diseases?

Amoebic dysentry

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An fact about protozoan?

some can cause some diseases and it is intresting how they move

Why are protozoan infections more difficult to treat than non drug resist bacterial infections?

Protozoan infections are hard to treat because the protozoan go through changing life cycle and locations in the body. They are also able to encapsulate themselves which walls them off from any medication

What is the most prevalent protozoan disease?

Malaria is the deadliest protozoan diseases. It is transmitted by the female mosquito and matures in the liver and blood cells.

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What diseases come from a Sarcodina, which is a type of Protozoan?

Which infectious diseases caused by a protozoan?

Trichomonas and giardia are two Infectious Diseases caused by protozoans. Trichomonas is caused by Trichomonas vaginalis.

What diseases does it treat?

State what it is.

Why do we use human embryos to treat some diseases?

They do not treat all diseases. For the diseases they can treat the embryonic cells can provide replacements for the failing (or entirely missing) cells that due to their absence cause the disease.

Which is easy to control infectious or non infectious diseases?

Non-infectious diseases are easier to control - because you only need to treat the individual patient. With infectious diseases - the illness is spread between people - by touching or simply breathing in the same air while in close contact.

Is protozoan dangerous?

Some like amoeba can cause diseases. Others are poisonous.