

Proverbs when the cat's away?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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its..................when the cat is away the mice will play..

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the mice will play the mice will play

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It depends on the shelter, if its a no-kill shelter, then your cats are fine, but you shouldn't get cats if your just going to give them away

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The north wind drives away the rain. (Proverbs 25:23)

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i would say so. i have 3 cats, but im not gonna try that on them.

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Well, yes i had many cats and usually they run away if u come closer to them.

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It could very well run away.

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Proverbs are like phrase of a sentence not like idioms. e.g. "When the cat is away, the mouse will play,"which means that if the teachers is away, the students will do something. Idioms are like sayings or you are telling them something. e.g. "Break a leg," which means to have good luck. Now they are the difference between proverbs and idioms and also they are not the same meanings. Proverb:a short memorable saying that expresses a truth or gives a warning, for example is half a loaf is better than no bread. Idiom:a group of words which, when used together, have a different meaning from the one suggested by the individual words (e.g. it was raining cats and dogs).

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Proverbs and sayings from Gregory Y Titlemon.

Can cats tell when kittens are a mile away?

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