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It plumps up then goes back down and comes up again and it will keep doing that

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Q: Put raisins into a cup a water with one alka-seltzer tablet.What happens and why?
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How does Alkaseltzer react to water?

Sodium hydrogencarbonate and citric acid react.

Do raisins increase in size in salt water or regular water?

salt water because the raisins the salt expands the raisins

What would happen to raisins left in water?

it would absorb the water into the raisins to equal out the concentration within the water and the raisins.

Why do raisins swell when kept in water?

Raisins are just dried grapes, so when raisins are kept in water they re-absorb liquid (that they lost in the drying process). They swell to accommodate the new liquid.

What is the purpose of testing swimming raisins?

the pupose is compared to regular water the raisins will sink and the vinegar,bakingsoda with water makes a chemical reaction for the raisins to float.

Do raisins absorb the same amount of water at different temperatures?

the amount of water soaked by raisins increases with increase in time up to its maximum limit.. and it will absorb more water in more temperature.. I mean if we take 10 gm of raisins in icy water and same amount in normal water then we can observe that in normal water raisins absorb more water..

What happens when you soak raisins in cold water?

it soaks up and turns softer .but does not turn back to a grape it soaks up and turns softer .but does not turn back to a grape

Will raisins float in sprite or water?


Why do raisins float in lemonade but not water?

answer it

What are you testing on the science project swimming raisins?

I am testing why the raisins canfloat compared with regular water.

How do you calculate the percent of absorption of water when you put raisins in water?

y-x divided by y multiplied by 100 here x = weight of dry raisins y = weight of swollen raisins