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it would absorb the water into the raisins to equal out the concentration within the water and the raisins.

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Q: What would happen to raisins left in water?
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it would evaporate into the air in the room

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They would probably not have any water left which means there would be no hurricanes or tsunamis but the only water we would get if we ran out would be rain and/ or snow

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it will be happy

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It will evaporate

What would happen if you left the tap on when brushing teeth?

It would flood if the plug was in but generally nothing ummm but if you are on tank water there will be none left. ~ You would be wasting water. In most places water is plentiful and cheap; but in other places fresh water is scarce and expensive. In places like that, you would want to waste as little water as possible.

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It would spread on its own.

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dirt would settle to bottom