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What does a rainbow trout eat? (it's not correct French)

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What does est ce vous aves mange means?

est-ce que vous avez mangé? - have you eaten (yet)

How do you say can eat your vagina in french?

Est-ce que je peut mange ton chat. OR Puis-je mange ta mimin. :)

How do you frame question for mais si je mange in french?

"Mais si je mange", means "But of course, I eat." Naturally, the question would be "Do you eat?" which is "Est-ce que tu manges?" in French.

Est-ce que mon frere mange souvent du poisson?

Does my brother eat fish often ?(note there is a grave accent in frère)

Est -Ce Que tu mean?

Est-ce que tu means 'Do you . . . ?'

How do you answer questions starting with est-ce que?

"Est-ce que" literally translates to "is it that". A question that begins with "est-ce que" should almost always be a yes or no answer.

What is' did you know 'in French?

savais-tu que ... / est-ce que tu savais que ... saviez-vous que / est-ce que vous saviez

How do you answer to Est-ce que?

answer the question in the same yhat you would answer "is it that..." in English. "Est-ce que" is not a complete question but calls for the object of the question. Est-ce que tu as garé la voiture ? is "did you park the car?" Est-ce que la voiture est garée ? is "is the car parked?" Est-ce que la voiture est bleue, ou est-ce qu'elle est rouge ? is "Is the car blue, or is it red?

How do you say have you got a in french?

To ask "do you have. . ." in French, say est-ce que vous avez. . . or avez-vous. . ."est-ce que tu as ..."

What is 'Est-ce que' when translated from French to English?

Est-ce que...? in French means "Is it that...?" in English.

How do you say is this vegetarian in french?

Est-ce que c'est végétarien ? Est-ce que ce plat est végétarien ? (Is this meal vegetarian?)

What does est - ce -que vous avez mean?

"Est-ce que vous avez ..." means "do you have..." in French.