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It is always tricky when HR at the end of the interview says “Is there anything you would like to ask me?” So friends please ask some questions because they aren’t looking for incurious people. Ask some questions that shows HR that you are interested in the company and career, information about work, formulate your questions based on information you hear during the interview. Interviewers don’t like being cross-examined. Ask friendly questions and be alert to clues regarding this person’s satisfaction with the company. There are few questions 1. A year from now, how will you evaluate if I have been successful in this position?
(This question shows HR that you are interested in being successful and you get what are the constraints for you to be successful) 2. What are the challenges I would face in this position over the next three/four months?
(The answer will be your work and expectations of company from you) 3. How would you describe your company culture or spirit?
(You and interviewer both will see if the environment is good for you or you will fit into company’s culture) 4. What is the typical career path for this position? 5. What type of internal and external training do you provide? 6. How are performance appraisals conducted within your organization? 7. How are promotions evaluated within your organization? 8. Tell me about an employee in your organization who is considered to be an outstanding employee. What makes that person special?
(This is an opportunity to convince the interviewer that you have what he is looking for by giving a specific, similar past experience story)
9. There are a lot of companies laying off right now. How has this company been able to maintain the workforce and continue to hire new employees?
(That shows that you have the information about the market but you want to know about the companies point of view)10. Can you give me a formal, written description of the position? I’m interested in reviewing in detail the major activities involved and what results are expected.
11. Why do you enjoy working for this company? 12. How would you describe your management style and interaction with your staff?
(Make sure company’s style, communication and ideology fits with your values and ideas) 13.What attracted you to this organization? 14. Can you tell me more about my day-to-day responsibilities? 15. How do my skills compare with those of the other candidates you have interviewed? 16. Can you tell me more about my day-to-day responsibilities? 17. What is the most important contribution that this company expects from its employees? 18. Do the most successful people in the company tend to come from one area of the company, such as development/testing, or do they rise from all over the functional areas? 19. What advice would you give to someone in my position? 20. Can you tell me about the way the job has been performed in the past? And, what improvements you’d like to see happen?
(This is a chance for you to sell yourself, and tell once more why you are such an excellent fit for the position – the added-value you would bring to the company) 21. Could you tell me about the people in the organization I will be working most closely? 22. I am very interested in pursuing this job further. What is the next step in the hiring process?
(It is best to find out what the hiring plan is so that you will know the sense of urgency and how to follow up)23. If you hired me, what would be my first assignment?

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Q: Questions to ask for HR job interview?
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If after talking to the HR people you were selected to do a phone interview with managers of the area you were applying for does this mean you have a chance to get the job?

Yes, they would not bother talking to you if they were not interested in employing you. Good Luck

What would you do if we do not select you?

Tough HR Interview Questions ! This is a HR question which pushes the candidate to the other extreme, by saying that what will you do if you are not selected. Suggested answer to this question : Firstly i feel i am the right candidate for this job and feel i should get selected ! Secondly, i will not feel dis appointed if i am not selected, since i feel there is a better candidate than me who is going to be selected by your company. I wish to know the reasons for my non-selection, areas of improvement and try to do better in the next interviews ! Sign off your answer with a smile and look into the eyes of the interview to show your confidence !