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Quote from Benjamin Franklin-fasting means to "go without"; hope means to wish or almost expect that it will happen. well, if you LIVE (completely depend) on wishes or unsure expectations you will"go without" until you eventually die . It is wise to live on faith not hope. Faith in the biblical sense is is belief; a complete trust, assurance or confidence. There is no fear (Mark 5:36; Luke 8:50) or doubt (Mark 11:23-24) in faith. faith is believing in Gods will as what is true and right and good and wise. You must look at the TEN COMANDMENTS FOR EXAMPLE, PONDER THERE MEANINGS , SEARCH OUT THERE DEPTHS AND FIND THEM WITHIN YOUR HEART AND MIND TO BE OF THE PUREST FORM OF GOODNESS, RIGHTEOUSNESS, TRUTH, WISDOM,LIGHT, SELF PRESERVATION, SELFLESSNESS, HIGHEST MORAL CREED. THIS IS FAITH , TO BELIEVE IN WHAT IS THE RIGHTEOUS PATH...... AND FOLLOW IT!!! -

Response above is fallacious. My interpretation, which would clearly make more sense, is that one who wishfully believes forever will be preyed upon by death.

The first response is the correct interpretation of the quote. Basically the quote means to take action, don't just live on hope alone.

The first and second responses are correct, initially, if the first writer qualifies that his definition for hope is a secular one. The biblical definition, which Franklin was probably not inferring, is one of a sure thing. The hope of Christ's return and final judgment of wickedness are a sure hope. The additional definition concerning faith supersedes the original writer's intent. The hermeneutic is abandoned at this point. Makes for good reading, but is the first writer's added interpretation.

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This quote warns that relying solely on hope without taking action can lead to disappointment and failure. It emphasizes the importance of proactive efforts and practical steps towards achieving goals, rather than passively waiting for things to happen.

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