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Q: Rachel Carson's 1962 Silent Spring was a groundbreaking work regarding what topic?
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Time line of Rachel Carson?

Rachel Carson was born on May 27, 1907. She published "Silent Spring" in 1962, which sparked the modern environmental movement. She passed away on April 14, 1964.

Was Rachel carson a vegetarian?

There is no evidence to suggest that Rachel Carson was a vegetarian. She was a prominent American marine biologist and conservationist known for her groundbreaking book "Silent Spring," which is credited with sparking the environmental movement in the United States.

What was the title of the book Rachel Carson wrote In sixties?

Rachel Carson wrote the book "Silent Spring" in the 1960s. This groundbreaking book brought attention to the environmental impact of pesticides, particularly DDT, on wildlife and human health.

What was Rachel Carson biggest accomplishments?

Rachel Carson's biggest accomplishment was her groundbreaking book "Silent Spring," published in 1962, which raised awareness about the dangers of pesticides on the environment and human health. Her work is credited with sparking the modern environmental movement and leading to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency in the United States.

How did people respond to rachel carsons book?

People responded differently to the book, "Silent Spring," written by Rachel Carson. Farmers social critics, biologists, and others responded by joining the environmental movement. People in the pesticide industry did not react positively to the book.

What is the mla citation for silent spring by Rachel Carson?

Carson, Rachel. Silent Spring. Houghton Mifflin, 1962.

What was Rachel Carson famous for?

Rachel Carson was famous for her groundbreaking book "Silent Spring," which raised awareness about the negative effects of pesticides on the environment and human health. She is credited with sparking the modern environmental movement and advocating for the protection of nature and wildlife.