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Rain that freezes in the atmosphere is called cystals

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Q: Rain that freezes in the upper atmosphere?
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What are Sleet and hail types of?

Both. Hail is typically formed in the summer by thunderstorms, where the upper atmosphere gets really cold. Sleet is frozen rain formed in the winter usually, where snow melts, then re-freezes.

Why are hailstorms frightening?

Because it gets to cold in the atmosphere for the rain to stay liquid, so it freezes and becomes hailstones ;)

How are rain hail and snow formed?

Rain, hail, and snow are all forms of precipitation which is part of the water cycle. The temperature of the upper atmosphere determines what form the precipitation will be.

What forms when rain freezes on contact with a cold surface.?

It rains at almost any time of the year. When rain freezes on contact with a cold surface, it forms ice, but the rain is called freezing rain.

How can the same cumulonimbus cloud produce rain and hail?

Cumulonimbus clouds have a violet and erratic updraughts of air. Water which condenses out to fall as rain , can also be raised higher in the atmosphere by these updraughts, to a point where the water freezes in to hail. Because of the erratic nature of draughts in these clouds , both rain and hail can fall from the cloud.

What atmosphere has rain?

The troposphere is the only layer of atmosphere that has rain.

Cold air holds more moisture than warm air does?

Yes it does. which is why as it rises into the cooler upper atmosphere it will start to rain.

What layer of ice forms when rain freezes after it hits a surface?

Freezing rain.

What is super cooled rain?

Super Cool Rain is rain which falls as snow then melts on the way down and before i touches the ground again quickly freezes but not enough so when it touches a solid it freezes instantly

what substance in the upper atmosphere is important to temperature changes in the upper atmosphere layers?

it is the ozone layer in the atmosphere because it is what keeps the atmosphere in check of what is happening in the atmosphere.

When rain freezes what amount of snow does it make?

about one foot of snow equals an inch of rain.

Which term describes rain that freezes when it hits the earths surface?

That's called freezing rain.