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Monetary Policy

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Q: Raising the discount rate involves which type of economic policy?
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A laissez-faire economic policy involves a minimum of government interference in business.

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A laissez-faire economic policy involves a minimum of government interference in business.

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wanna make money? tongue my balls for me!

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stop looking up answer online for starsuite you f***

The European Union is only involved in economic policy true of false?

False. The European Union involves itself in many areas of policy, such as health, social policy, defence, trade etc.

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Decreasing the money supply does not involve any type of economic policy. It is what happens afterward that affects the economy. Decreasing the money supply will lead to higher interest rates.

What does fiscal policy involve in?

Fiscal policy involves the Government changing the levels of Taxation and Govt Spending in order to influence Aggregate Demand (AD) and therefore the level of economic activity.