

Rarest blood group in world

Updated: 12/10/2022
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15y ago

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According to the Standord University School of Medicine, the rarest blood type is AB Rh Negative, with only .6% of the United States having this type. That is roughly 1 out of every 167 people. However, some suggest an ultra-rare type known as "Bombay Blood." There have only been a handful of reported cases of humans known to have this blood type. This could be the result of a slight mutation, though. Stanford - "Bombay Blood" - Hope this Helps!

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What is the rarest type of blood in human beings?

There are 30 human blood group systems that are recognised. In the commonly used ABO and Rh system the blood type AB- is the least common with never more than 1% of the population of a country having this type of blood.

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The rarest common blood type is AB negative. However, there have been some rare blood types discovered which fall out of the A/B Antigen, Rh +/- system normally used to distinguish blood types. O negative is not the rarest blood type, although it is frequently the most sought-after by blood banks, such as the Red Cross, because it can be given to virtually anyone.

What is the rarest blood type and why?

Every country has a different blood grouping system.The rarest blood type in the world is by far considered AB negative. This has supposibly been caused due to it not expressing the H antigen on the red blood cells.

Is AB positive the rarest blood type?

No it isn't. The rarest is AB negative.

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What is the rarest type of blood?

The rarest type of blood is O. people with O type blood can donate blood to anybody and there are very few people that have this blood type. It is extremely rare.

What is the rarest blood type?

It really does depend on the population in the U.S. but it has been stated that the rarest blood type is AB-. This is according to the American Red Cross