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Q: Reasons for 3 periods on one month?
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What does it mean if you have 3 periods a month?

I am a male, but I KNOW that if you have 3 periods a month, with actual bleeding, you need to see a doctor immediatelly. if you cannot afford one, the local ER will see you now.

Is it normal to have 3 periods a month?

No not at all. You are only supposed to have 1 a month

Why do girls get periods for like a month straight?

Most girls will have their periods for 3-7 days approximately once a month. However, girls may experience PMS before they get their periods, and this may confuse some people into thinking they have their periods for several weeks. As well, some girls period's may fluctuate wildly for a variety of reasons. Generally anyone this happens to should talk to their doctor about it.

Is it possible to get pregnant having two periods in one month for the first time?

Yes! You can! I had my three kids! Each of them every time after I have two periods with in one month. So I find out that I am most fertile the next month after that so I usually try having kids after my 2nd period! Worked for me 3 times already. I don't know how but it works for me! Haven't met anyone that has kids after having two periods in one month!

Is it ok if your periods does not stop?

Yes, but htey should start again in a month, 2 or 3

Is it bad to have your period 2 or 3 times a month?

you might think of consulting a doctor, because it is normal to have periods only once a month

Is there really a shot that can make you miss a period just for one month?

No, there really is not a shot that can make you miss a period for just one month. The Depo-Provera shot is administered every 11 to 13 weeks, which can stop your periods for 3 months.

Why do girls get periods twice in a month?

The reason why girls get periods twice in a month probably because they have short cycles. I know, because it happens to me. I had my period on Dec 1, 2 & 3 and then I had again on Dec 28,29 & 30 =)

Reasons why one might miss your period if you are not pregnant?

Some reasons..... (1) Lost too much weight. Body stops periods if you have too low body fat. (2) stress (3) recent illness

Is it normal for your periods to be 3 days late?

Absolutely!!! its perfectly normal the average is to only have it every month!!!

When do girls have periods?

between the ages of 8-14 years of age, when you get it is once a month, about 1 week every month.

Can you miss a period one month and get it the next and still be pregnant and what if its bright red?

yes you can miss up to 3 periods! and color usually doesnt have bothing to do with it... every person is different