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Questions such as this about suffering are hard to answer. However, I can tell you from our point of view, my wife and I, that God is greater than any circumstance. About two years ago my wife became ill with Congestive Heart Failure, emphysema, kidney failure and Diabetes. She gradually worsened and was hospitalized about 25 times during that time period. Before she became ill, about six months prior, my insurance at work came into effect. Before that I had had no insurance. Then the Lord provided all the money we would need for the medicines and doctor bills etc. At this moment we are living together in a rest home where I take care of her. God has provided all the funding for this. Soon we will be moving out of the rest home into a shared dwelling with my daughter and husband to help make caring for her easier. Jesus said, "Rain falls on the just and the unjust". In other words, things happen to good people as well as bad. Just as when it rains, good and bad people get wet. So the question in life is not what happens to me, but how will I respond? Will I become bitter against God and others and turn my back on God? Will I trust God through what is happening and see his power at work? That is the question we must ask when bad things happen. A good book on this subject is by Phillip Yancey _____Where is God when it Hurts? There are no pat answers for these questions. We must all answer them for ourselves, hopefully with trust in God.

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JORDAB: Because they want to. You can't blame them. :)

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Adam and Eve! They followed Satan, sinned, and now the world's a mess.

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Q: Reasons why things happen in life?
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