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It's an environmentalist scam.
It is a way for liberals to gain more control and confiscate more money.
They are no worse than paper bags, after all, we have to kill trees to get paper bags!


There is no argument against paying for the bags unless you feel that merchants should pay for freebies and you should be charged extra even if you don't use the bags.

Obviously someone is paying for the bags whether or not a bag fee appears on your bill. The stores after all do not get them for free and are not giving them away for free. The charge is presently burried in the cost of the purchased goods and all shoppers pay for them whether they use one bag or ten.

This payment of bags separately is a demonstration of the "user pay" process. Many municipalities now use this idea for large projects. As an example soccer players and their families pay for soccer field upkeep, not the general population through their taxes. The advantage is that if you want to manage your money you can.

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Q: Reasons you shouldn't pay for plastic bags?
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Why is plastic bags are still around today?

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Why should people pay 5 cents for plastic bags?

So the people selling you the plastic bags can become richer while sounding environmentally friendly

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If its for cosmetic reasons you pay for it yourself.

Why should you pay for carrier bags in supermarkets?

Getting people to pay for carrier bags (which are usually made of lightweight plastic) is one of the ways being used to encourage people to bring their own bags and re-use them. Billions of plastic bags are thrown away every year. They take years to break down in landfill. They get washed out to sea where they kill sea creatures like turtles, which eat them thinking they are jellyfish.

Do you have to pay for shopping bags in Ireland?

You can buy regular shopping bags in Ireland. In some shops where bags are provided, there is a charge on them for the government if they are plastic bags. This is to encourage people to use their own bags or reuse other bags they have previously got. It encourages recycling and reduces the amount of bags in use and bags getting thrown away. Paper bags are provided for free.

How is plastic bags recycled?

You have to put them in a cabinet and maybe if you go to save alot and get those bags so u wont pay extra. and you might want to go and just pick up your animals' mess

Should you have to pay for your plastic bags?

Yes I believe we should due to the materials which are used and that one of the materials is oil which is expensive and also very limited.

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No if I have a warranty then you shouldnt have to pay anything the warranty should cover it.

What is 7 9ths of 36?

:) Well shouldnt you work it out by yourself??pay attention in school!!:)

Do Arizona pay for recycled plastic?

Yes. Arizona does pay for recycled plastic.