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This is a serious issue if you missed Mass purposely. If you made every effort but were, sick, too far away from a church (such as a foreign country that does not permit Christianity, etc. One should acknowledge it in Confession even if it was not purposeful as soon as possible.

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Q: Receiving communion after missing mass
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Roman Catholic AnswerEveryone present at a Mass has an active part, even if it is only making the responses, praying, and receiving Holy Communion.

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You can eat up to one hour BEFORE receiving Holy Communion.

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Go to your local Catholic Church and ask them this question. I do know that once a month a mass is said with communion so you could attend that mass and have communion with the body of the church.

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A priest's ability to consecrate and celebrate the Eucharist is provided to him in his priestly Faculties. This faculty is not impaired or removed simply because the priest is a sinner. In fact it would be a miracle if there were a Catholic Priest anywhere who was not a sinner. So there is nothing wrong, different, or missing in a communion service that is led by a priest who has sinned. You should be able to take communion from this priest in full confidence that it is properly consecrated. Should you take communion? Is a somewhat personal decision. The Catholic Church recommends that as long as the priest still has his faculty to celebrate mass, that you should feel comfortable participating in the mass and receiving communion.

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before distributing communion lost what prayer is said

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Receiving Communion means we are uniting with Christ. So the correct statement would be make communion with Christ.

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During Mass do Catholics go up to the Altar?

During the Mass, the only people who should approach and then enter the Sanctuary, in which the Altar is located, are priests, acolytes, and deacons (basically people who are assisting at the Mass). However, Catholics when receiving communion do approach the Altar area but do not enter into it as the priest stands in front of the Sanctuary to distribute communion.

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students receiving communion in the second grade are considered at the age of reasoning

What is said when receiving the Holy Communion?

Amen. It means I believe.