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A man between the ages of 19 and 30 with a sedentary lifestyle needs 2,400 calories; a more active male requires 200 more.

Females between the ages of 19 and 30 with a sedentary lifestyle require 2,000 calories per day; a more active lifestyle requires 200 more as well.

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10y ago

The recommended value is 2 000 kcal; but this depends on age, sex, type of activity, physical characteristics of the body etc.

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Q: Recommended number of calories per day?
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Whats the least amount of calories to eat a day?

Even when trying to lose weight, there is a minimum number of calories per day which should be consumed to stay healthy. For women, that number is 1,200 calories per day. For men, the number is 1,500 calories per day.

Is eating 700 calories per day dangerous?

No... The recommended amount of calories consumed each day should be around 2,000.

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How many calories can a person have per day?

The amount of recommended calories per day varies depending on age, gender, height, weight, and level of activity. According to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines, the daily calorie intake for adult women should be between 1,600 and 2,400, depending on level of activity. For adult men it ranges from 2,000 to 3,000 a day. The more active you are, the more calories are needed per day.

How many calories does a healthy 77-year-old require per day?

The recommended calories per day varies based on much more than simply your age. It varies based on your metabolism, physique, height, and body weight as well.

What happens if the calories you eat are equal to the calories you need per day?

If you eat the same number of calories per day that are equal to the calories you need per day you would maintain your weight. To lose weight you must consume less calories then you burn. To gain weight you must consume more calories you burn. Most humans will burn 2800 calories even in the most sedentary state.

how many calories should you have per day?

2000 calories per day is great

How many calories should a twelve to 14 year old eat per day?

I think that a 12-14 year old person should eat ABOUT 3,000 calories a day.

How many calories are you allowed in one day?

For men, the recommended daily intake of calories is approximately 2500.For women, the recommended daily intake of calories is approximately 2000.This will vary depending on amount of daily exercise and other factors.

How many calories should come from fat per day?

2000 calories per day

How many calories does a teenage girl need per day?

2000 calories per day

How many calories should you lose per day?

at least 300 calories per day