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Q: Recording information art form with the function it served?
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What is A device whose function is to pass on information in an unchanged form or in some modified form?

Its a relay

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to convert energy or information from one form to another

How many people in Canada cry because their mom dies?

This question seems to be unanswerable due to insufficient information. There is no exact record, tally or any other form of recording information to answer this.

What did the incas use instead of a writing system?

The Incas used a system of knotted cords called quipus for recording information and keeping records. Each knot, its position, and the color of the cords represented different types of information such as numbers, dates, and events. The quipu served as a form of communication and record-keeping in the Inca Empire.

How does each form of RNA function in the cell?

RNA builds the protein which the information is given by DNA

Can this be considered a primary function of an epic Maintain secret information in the form of symbols and codes?


Why did Paleolithic people write on cave walls?

Paleolithic people likely used cave walls for communication, storytelling, and recording their observations or experiences. These cave paintings may have served as a form of artistic expression, a way to pass down information to future generations, or even for ceremonial or ritualistic purposes.

What is flexibility of information?

There are many different ways to convey information. For example, Canada is an officially bilingual country, in which many types of information are available in either French or English. Information can appear in a visual form, such as words on a screen or printed on paper, or it can appear in an audible form, such as a voice recording or a synthesized voice, which can be convenient for people who are visually impaired; it can also appear in the form of Braille. Different communication forms are convenient for different people. If you can get the information in the form that you want, then the information is flexible.

What different information do you get from vertex form and quadratic equation in standard form?

The graph of a quadratic function is always a parabola. If you put the equation (or function) into vertex form, you can read off the coordinates of the vertex, and you know the shape and orientation (up/down) of the parabola.

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What the roots scrib and script mean?

The roots "scrib" and "script" both mean "to write" or "written." Words with these roots often relate to writing or recording information in some form.

The control center that directs the cells activities and contains information that determines the cells form and function is the?
