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Yes. Different wavelengths though.

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Q: Red light and yellow light have same speed?
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What light travels the fastest red or yellow?

Light travels at the same speed regardless of its color. The speed of light in a vacuum is approximately 186,282 miles per second.

Speed of red light and blue light in a vacuum?

In a vacuum the speed of red and blue light are the same as all light, 300,000,000m/s. Their frequency and wavelength will be different but the speed remains the same.

In what situation is the speed of waves of red light exactly equal to the speed of blue light?

speed of light is always the same, regardless of frequency/colour.

What colour will a yellow object look in red light and why?

A yellow object will appear black in red light because red light does not contain any yellow wavelengths to reflect off the object. Yellow objects reflect yellow wavelengths, so in the absence of these wavelengths, the object will not reflect any light, appearing black.

Does red light travel faster than blue light?

No. All colors travel at the same speed. It is called "the speed of light".

What is A message of the yellow traffic light?

A yellow traffic light means to slow down or stop completely. When the light is yellow it is about to change to red in a few seconds. Contrary to popular belief by many drivers yellow does not mean speed up.

Is red light slower than blue light?

No. Light travels at the same speed, regardless of color.

If yellow light shines on a red car what colour with then appear?

The red car will appear orange under yellow light because red light mixed with yellow light creates the perception of orange.

Does yellow paper absorb red light?

No, yellow paper does not absorb red light. Yellow paper absorbs blue light and reflects yellow light, giving it its yellow appearance. Red light is not absorbed by yellow paper, so it is reflected or transmitted through the paper.

What color or colors of light are transmitted by a piece of yellow glass?

Red and green light. Yellow glass transmits yellow light. Yellow light is a combination of red and green light. Therefore yellow glass transmits red and green light and absorbs blue light.

When you are under a red light and it turns yellow can make a left turn then?

At least in the USA, a red light does not turn yellow. It turns green. A green light turns yellow, and then the yellow light turns red. IN THAT ORDER.

Why do you get yellow when mixing red and green light?

When red and green light mix, they stimulate the receptors in our eyes to create the perception of yellow. This occurs because red and green light activate our red and green cones, which send signals to the brain representing yellow. Yellow is a secondary color formed by combining red and green light in the way our eyes perceive color.