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Q: Refers to researchers' allocation of participants to groups by chance to reduce the likelihood that an experiment's results will be due to preexisting differences between groups.?
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What researchers conduct experiments in Antarctica?

Antarctica is not the place for experiments, Antarctica is the place for basic research. Research there studies the health of planet Earth.

Why do researchers use experiments rather than other research methods?

cause and effects

What kind of study doesn't tell the participants or the researchers which group is is the control or experimental group?

Double blind.

What type of research participants should researchers use for studies of cause-and-effect relationships?

random sample

What is the name of the study where neither the researchers nor the participants know who is getting the real treatment?

double blind

True false researchers use experiments when they have more than two variables to consider?


APA ethical standards require researchers to?

APA ethical standards require researchers to obtain informed consent from participants, protect the confidentiality of participant information, avoid causing harm to participants, and address any potential conflicts of interest. Researchers must also provide debriefing after the study and ensure that their research is conducted with integrity and transparency.

What is a sentence for physiology?

"Researchers study the differences between human and animal physiology."

Why are bacterial toxins are beneficial to medicine?

A beneificial use is that researchers can perform advanced experiments on many different diseases!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Researchers use experiments rather than other research methods in order to distinguish between?

Causes and effects

What ethical considerations would limit the researchers experiments?

Human cadavers could not be studied without the family's permission.

What are the APA guidelines for research using humans?

The APA guidelines for research using humans include obtaining informed consent from participants, ensuring voluntary participation, protecting participants from harm, maintaining confidentiality, and debriefing participants after the study. Researchers are also required to obtain institutional review board (IRB) approval before conducting research with human participants.