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Q: Reflexes involve at least three neurons and all arcs through the spinal cord?
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Do reflexes always involve the spinal cord?

Yes, the spinal cord controls ALL of your reflexes!

Spinal reflexes are produced in what?

Introduction. Spinal cord reflexes are simple behaviors produced by central nervous system (CNS) pathways that lie entirely within the spinal cord. The sensory afferent fibers that evoke these reflexes enter the spinal cord and activate spinal motor neurons directly or through a chain of one or more spinal interneurons

What part of the brain controls simple reflexes that do not involve the brain?

spinal cord

What part of the central nervous system controls reflexes?

The spinal cord controls reflexes. When a sensory stimulus is detected, the signal is sent to the spinal cord, which then produces a reflex action without needing input from the brain. This allows for quick responses to potential threats or dangers.

What neurons that carry impulse to the brain and spinal cord called?

These are called efferent neurons. The one that carry impulses away are afferent. Afferent (A) are away (A).

CAN reflex action controlled by spinal cord?

Simple reflexes are controlled by the spinal cord. The message travels from the sense receptors near the skin through the afferent nerve fibers to the spinal cord. In the spinal cord, the messages are relayed through association neurons to the efferent nerve fibers, which carry them to the muscle cells that cause the reflex movement.

What is a is a long bundle of neurons that carries messages to and from the body to the brain that is responsible for very fast lifesaving reflexes.?

Spinal Cord

How can neurons carry messages to the brain?

The long bundle of neurons that carries messages to and from the body to the brain and is responsible for very fast, lifesaving reflexes is called the? Spinal cord.

Which carries messages to the brain?

The long bundle of neurons that carries messages to and from the body to the brain and is responsible for very fast, lifesaving reflexes is called the? Spinal cord.

Nerve impulses travel to the muscles from the spinal cord through?

afferent neurons

What carries impluses towards the brain and spinal cord?

The sensory neurons carry impulses through the spinal cord to the brain.

Most of the neurons in the brain and spinal cord are?

most of the neurons in the brain and spinal cord are