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The robber said if you are god save yourself and us, The Jews said he saved others but he can not save himself, he was given vinegar when he said he was thirsty.

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Q: Relate three insults that jesus suffered while he was hung on the cross?
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Why is Jesus Christ still on the cross in catholic churches?

It reminds people what Jesus did to save them from their sins. Being reminded of how much Jesus suffered for you helps you to get a more personal and emotional relationship with him. It also reminds you of your sinfulness, which moves you to beg Jesus for forgiveness and for Him to help you to never offend Him.

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The cross without Jesus on it signifies that He is risen & no longer on the cross..Jesus is alive.

Why do Christians use the cross as a sign of torture?

Jesus was nailed to a cross and suffered for six hours until he finally died on the cross. People who were crucified were nailed to the cross in front of everyone so they could see that person's punishment and suffering. That was one of the punishments back then in Jesus' time. "Jesus was crucified, died, and was buried."

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the cross is used to remember Jesus and how Jesus died

Was Jesus burned on the cross?

Mo Jesus was not burned on the cross at all.

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Jesus didn't build the cross, he was crucified on it.