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Q: Relations with which countries was tense during the confederation period?
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Relations with which of the following countries were tense during the Confederation period?

relations with all of these countries were tense

What countries were tense during the confederation period?

Relations with all these countries were tense.

What country had tense relations with the US during the Confederation period?


Relations with Britain during the confederation period could best be characterized as?

polite but cold

During the confederation period relations with France were strained because?

Because any relationship is strained when one party is on their period.

During the confederation period relations with France were strained because of what?

The inability of the United States to repay its debt.

Disputes with Spain during the confederation period arose over?

Disputes with Spain during the Confederation period arose over the southern boundary of the United States.

Where townships 8 miles wide on each side during the Confederation Period?


At the top of the political agenda during the period of the Articles of Confederation was?

Economic Issues

What were newly settled lands called During the confederation period?

they were called the northwest territory.

US challenge during the Articles of Confederation period?

They prrinted too much moony

What was the most pressing challenge facing the United States of America during the articles of confederation period?

during the articles of confederation period the most pressing challenge was that people had no homes. people were homeless and nobody would hardly ever take them into their own homes.