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Q: Releasing and inhabiting hormones produced by the hypothalamus influence the activity of the what?
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What is the opposite of the hypothalamus?

The hypothalamus is a region of the forebrain that coordinates the autonomic nervous system and the activity of the pituitary. There is no opposite or antonym if you like for hypothalamus.

What is the role of the hypothalamus during a fever?

During the fight-or-flight response, the hypothalamus sends nerve impulses to the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, which quickly mobilizes the body's resources for immediate physical activity. This is the short and quick reaction to a stressor. The second stage is called resistance reaction wherein the hypothalamus releases hormones which are longer lasting. These hormones are are corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH), growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH), and thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH).

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Is hypothalamus responsible for consciousness?

The hypothalamus is not directly responsible for consciousness. It plays a key role in regulating basic survival functions like hunger, thirst, body temperature, and hormone release. Consciousness is a complex phenomenon influenced by widespread brain activity involving various regions like the cortex and thalamus.

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Paranormal Activity 2 is releasing on 22nd Oct.

The activity of the hypothalamus most directly influences?

The hypothalamus directly influences the nervous system and the endocrine system. The hypothalamus uses the pituitary gland to link those 2 systems together.

What are some of the factors that influence hunger?

Brain activity, physical activity, consumption rates, malnutrition, hypothalamus (The Glucostat Theory), leptin and other hormones (The Lipostat Theory), palatability, boredom (this has to do with brain activity. To cope with boredem, your brain makes you feel hungry to cope with it. Your brain is bored of things like television, etc. because not a lot of brain activity going on), stress.

How do feedback mechanisms control hormone production?

The hypothalamus releases hormones called releasing hormones. Some of the hormones they release also inhibit hormone release. So, the hypothalamus can either release:Releasing hormones, ORRelease inhibiting hormonesThese hormoens act on the aerior pituitary which ccuses the release oftrophic hrmones which are specific for target organs ie. Sex glands, thyroid glands, adrenal glands.The target glands release the hormone itself, which are called the non-trophic hormones. These hormones are responsible for causing a physiological effect. The hypothalamus is under the control of external stimulus ie. stress, the CNS, diet, and the immune system.Lots of things can control the release of releasing and release inhibitory hormones from the hypothalamus. At each level you have feedback inhibition. You get positive and negative input on the hypothalamus from outside the endocrine system and you get mostly negative influence on the hypothalamus from the anterior pituitary and the target organs.The trophic hormones can feedback and inhibit the hypothalamus. Even the physiological response to the hormone can feedback and affect target organs. This whole feedback loop is negative, but it can also be ostive. So, if hormone levels drop, or if stress increases, or diet changes, there will be a change in physiological response that will make feedback positive or negative to affect the hypothalamus.

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the events that influence the economic activity is the banking crises recession because our country is in debt

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integrative centers forautonomic activity are located where The hypothalamus

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