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Q: Relievance of communication in the modern world?
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Modern communication is online communication ? A film about today internet millionaires and entrepreneurs.

What are the effects of technology in the modern world?

Among other things, advancement of communication and expansion of economical commerce.

What is more effective as a medium fo mass communication?

It was once newspapers but in our modern world it is now Television

What is modern communication?

Modern communication is communicating with others using the latest technology. The internet and cell phones are considered to be modern technology.

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What is the importance of mass communication in modern age?

Mass communication is important in the modern age for a variety of reasons. For example, the global economy relies on mass communication such as the internet.

What are the disadvantages of modern communication?

One of the disadvantages of modern communication is identity theft. It may also risk children to kidnapping if not supervised. The more personal and face-to-face conversation is also being lost to modern communication.

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