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It would throw it out of balance

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Q: Removing a species from a food web can throw an ecosystem out of?
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Problems when a new species is introduced into an ecosystem?

A new species, when introduced to an ecosystem, will compete with the indigenous species for food and resources. If the new species is predatory, it may also begin preying on the indigenous species, so the native populations will decrease sharply.

How might extinction of one species throw an ecosystem into turmoil?

An extinction of one species could destroy an ecosystem if an animal depended on the extinct animal for food. Then that animal would die off, which could affect even more animals.

Are mosquitoes a keystone species?

A keystone species is one that other lifeforms in an ecosystem depend on. Mosquitoes are a keystone species because they are extremely low on the food chain, and if they were removed from an ecosystem, the food supply would be interrupted.

What are all the interconnected paths of energy flowing from species to species in an ecosystem called?

food chain

What a species eats and what eats that species is part of its role in the ecosystem is called?

The food chain maybe?

All the interconnected paths of energy flowing from species to species in an ecosystem is called?

food web

Why do you need to preserve yak species?

For maintains the ecosystem and the food chain

What happens in an ecosystem when one species disappears?

it effects the food chains

How can overpopulation of a species be a problem to an ecosystem?

Over population of a particular species will cause the food chain in that ecosystem to become unstable. Over population will also reduce the amount of producers within an ecosystem (depending if the over population is of a consumer) and will lead to the decrease of other animal species inhabiting the same ecosystem.

Use ecosystem in a sentence?

The ecosystem is capable of mainting food for many species.

All the interconnected path of energy flowing from species to species in an ecosystem is called a?

food web, just took the test ;)

What would happen if species disappeared from an ecosystem?

the whole ecosystem would collapses because in an ecosystem species depend on each other to maintain a balance. Next time look in you science book please!!!!!!!