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its you legal property. then she is tresspassing.

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Q: Renter that has not paid rent in two months we don't have a lease so how do i get rid of her?
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Do you have to paid child support if your son its out the country for 3 months?

no you dont have to

If you are evicted what happens to Security Deposit?

If situations have deteriorated to the point of being evicted, then it is serious business. In those cases, and/all deposits the renter paid might be forfeited. Unless the written contract/lease so specifies otherwise, the renter could be out that money. The deposit would be applied to the amount owed (rent, any damages and legal fees for eviction) and the renter would be billed for the rest.

What is lease obligation?

it is lease paid on capital invested

Can a landlord break a rental lease because you paid your rent late?

If you paid your rent late, he didn't break the lease - you did. He can now move to terminate the lease.

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Is it legal for landlord of condo to pass on to renter move-in fees lease fees payable to the condo board?

Yes it is perfectly legal to pass on the move in fees, however the lease fees are another issue, depends what the lease fees are if for the amenities NO as the owner has already paid for them, as a precessing fee yes, to generate a lease yes. There ae doezens of reasons for different fees I have even seen a move in and a move out fee, interview fee, etc The landloard can cahrge you basically anything he wants if you agree to it.

What are the risks of cosigning a lease?

The risk of cosigning on a lease is that the cosigner is responsible for the rent for the leased property even if the other signers do not pay the rent. The landlord can go after one or all of the cosigners on a lease to get rent paid if the lease is not paid for the full term.

Can a coporation deduct a lease payment?

Yes, corporations can deduct lease payments. Property lease payments and vehicle lease payments are deductible in the year paid or accrued.

How does a renter find out if the mortgage is being paid?

I don't think you can under the privacy laws today.

Tenant refuse to buy renter's insurance?

You cannot force them unless it was a condition of the lease in which case would be grounds for eviction. Renters insurance only covers their property inside the home and claims are only payable to them so I do not see why it would be such a big deal to you. What you need is homeowners insurance paid by you for the home that you own. Security, damage and last months rent paid up front are how you would recover damages to the home after they vacate, if damage is severe small claims court is the way to go.

Can you end a lease agreement before it begins?

It depends on what you mean by begin. Generally a lease begins when it is signed by both parties, the first months rent is paid with any deposits, and a key is issued to the tenant. If after the lease is signed you don't pay any rent or deposits, it can be canceled. If the rent is paid plus any deposits, the landlord must issue you a key and allow you to move it, or any monies are promptly refunded.