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Q: Replacing old feathers with new ones is called?
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Do magpies loose feathers?

Yes. All birds lose feathers in the natural process ofmolting(replacing worn-out feathers with new ones by shedding them and growing new ones). Birds can also lose feathers by near escapes with predators.

Why is your rhode island red hen losing feathers on her head?

They are molting. losing feathers and replacing them with new ones. it happends to all chickens.

Why do lovebird lose their feathers?

Birds naturally moult (lose) their feathers as new ones are coming in. They also will moult to regulate their body temperatures as well as seasonally.

Why do doves lose their feathers?

They shed feathers like a dog sheds hair. The feathers are replaced with new ones. This helps keep the bird in tip top shape for flying.

What is the birds' cleaning of feathers called?

Disease - birds do not normally loose their feathers. When they change them it is called moult. Moulting is a process (like shedding in mammals) done regularly by birds, to replace old feathers with new, healthy feathers. This is normal. When a bird loses many feathers at once, it is usually due to the bird plucking out its own feathers OR a condition called French Moult, for which there is no cure.

How the feather of the birds grow up again?

The feathers fall to the ground and the bird grows new ones. that's why there is some feathers on the beach or in your backyard.

Why is your parakeet losing his feathers?

Many species of birds, including lovebirds, do something called "molting," which means losing their feathers, then growing new ones. Adult lovebirds do this usually twice a year. It's normal and nothing to worry about, unless your bird seems to be plucking its own feathers out and digging at its skin, which could mean it has a skin problem that needs to be seen by a veterinarian. See the Related Link below.

What is the new show on nick replacing?

the new show is called Sam and Cat

What is the process of losing feathers from the body and wings called?

either molting or (and this is a joke. not for real.) DEATH! ha i really think its molting. a bird loses its feathers to grow new ones. it usually happens during winter to a bird that doesnt migrate and needs to be camoed. Hope it helped :)!

When replacing dash clocks on a 2002 corsa do the new ones need to be coded to the car?

yes they have to be coded

Something's wrong with my chicken It's losing tons of feathers and it almost is bald?

its molting, no biggy, just loosing its feathers and growing new ones back. your chicken will have feathers again in about 2 months. it happens almost every year

What kind of bird looses their feathers and why?

Disease - birds do not normally loose their feathers. When they change them it is called moult.Moulting is a process (like shedding in mammals) done regularly by birds, to replace old feathers with new, healthy feathers. This is normal. When a bird loses many feathers at once, it is usually due to the bird plucking out its own feathers OR a condition called French Moult, for which there is no cure.All birds may or may not lose their feathers. It is only when this happens to them and or they die.