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It is called asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction is common with certain plants, like strawberries. Cloning also involves one parent. What happens is they find a female animal that is the same breed as the animal. Then they remove the egg, take out its nucleus replcing it with th nuclus of the cell of the animal they are cloning, and replant the egg back into its animal the egg came from. Then when the animal is born, it has no resemblance to its mother, but looks similar to the animal cloned. I hoped i helped.

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12y ago
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11y ago

It happens with some organisms. It's called asexual reproduction. Some sea anemones, for example, can reproduce by simply splitting themselves in two. Each half goes on to be a complete new anemone. Most bees grow from unfertilized eggs laid by the queen; there is no other parent involved.

Each offspring formed through asexual reproduction is genetically identical to the parent. These offspring are sometimes called "clones."

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11y ago

Asexual (reproduction)

[Or immaculate conception, if its human or large animal, hee hee]

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15y ago

this happens with cats-they don't have to mate to give birth its quite strange don't you think? I odn't know how or why it happens but it does so...there you go

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12y ago

asexual reproduction

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asexual reproduction

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13y ago

asexual reproduction:)

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