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asexual reproduction.

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Q: Some organisms are descended from only one parent. What is the name for this type of reproduction?
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What is it called when some organisms get all of their genetic material from just one parent organism?

asexual reproduction

What is an identical genetic copy of its parent?

An organism that resembles its parent is called the natural or biological offspring

Is it true that new organisms formed from a sexual reproduction will not actually be like a parent?

In sexual reproduction, organisms with a nucleus containing DNA take half their DNA from one parent and half their DNA from the other parent. Some of the DNA even gets mixed up in the process. The DNA provides the instructions telling the organism how to grow and develop. Since the DNA in the new organism is not like that of either parent, the new organism will not be like either parent.

What reproduction by one parent is called asexual reproduction?


What process do single-celled organisms use to reproduce?

Single-celled organisms reproduce through a process called binary fission, where the cell divides into two identical daughter cells. In this process, the genetic material is replicated, and the cell divides into two new cells with the same genetic information.

Are your great grandma's great grandkids your second cousins?

Some of your great grandmother's great grandchildren are your second cousins. Some may be your first cousins and some could be your siblings.If they are descended from your great grandmother but not from your grandparent, they are second cousins. If they are descended from your great grandmother and your grand parent, but not from your parent, they are your first cousins. If they are descended from your great grandmother, your grandparent, and from your parent, they are your siblings (your brothers and sisters).

Why do some organisms use both of reproduction?

The two modes of reproduction are favored under different conditions.

How can both asexsual reproduction a sexsual repruduction allow for the survival of a species?

The two modes of reproduction are favored under different conditions.

What are some examples of asexual reproduction in many-celled organisms?


What are some examples of asexual reproduction in many- celled organisms?


Name two types of reproduction?

There are 2 types of reprodution , those are sexual and asexual reproduction . Sexual reprodution invloves both a male and a female . but asexual reproduction involves just the female ( a good example of this is a plant , some plants do not need others to reproduce ) ! Hope that helps :)

Why do some organisms use asexual and sexual reproduction?

ok not sure but YES