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In sexual reproduction, organisms with a nucleus containing DNA take half their DNA from one parent and half their DNA from the other parent. Some of the DNA even gets mixed up in the process. The DNA provides the instructions telling the organism how to grow and develop. Since the DNA in the new organism is not like that of either parent, the new organism will not be like either parent.

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Q: Is it true that new organisms formed from a sexual reproduction will not actually be like a parent?
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Compare sexual and asexual reproduction?

sexual: in sexual reproduction, cells from two different parents unite to form the first cell of the new organism.asexual: in asexual reproduction, a single parent produces offspring that are identical to itself.

True or false is an organisms that result from sexual reprodution cannot be exatly like either parent?

This statement is true. Reproduction in asexual organisms result in an exact copy of the parent organism. Sexual reproduction will have traits from both parent organisms.

What new individuals are identical to parent organisms?

Asexual Reproduction

Some organisms are descended from only one parent. What is the name for this type of reproduction?

asexual reproduction.

What are the differences between offspring form by sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction?

Offspring formed by sexual reproductions use both parents' genetic material that differs from the parents. Offspring formed by asexual reproduction is formed by a single parent and is identical to the parent.

How do organisms make more similar organisms?

There are two ways of reproduction, asexual and sexual reproduction. Similar organisms reproduce when organisms reproduce asexually because only one parent is involved in this type of reproduction and so there is no mixing of genetic material and exact copy of parent reproduces. Common methods of asexual reproduction are: budding, binary fission, multiple fission, parthenogenesis, etc.

What is a type of reproduction that that produces new organisms with identical chromosomes of those type of parent organism?

It is sexual reproduction

What kind of reproduction leads to large populations lacking genetic diversity and consisting of genetically identical organisms?

Asexual reproduction because in asexual reproduction, the offspring is genetically identical to the parent. One of the advantages of asexual reproduction is large population because in asexual reproduction, only one parent is involved. The types of organisms that have asexual reproduction are: Algae, yeasts, and protozoans.

What kind of reproduction causes variation in organisms?

Sexual reproduction causes most variation in organisms. This is because genes get mixed up in the process whereas in asexual reproduction the offspring is genetically identical to the parent.

What is a sentence using the word reproduction?

The reproduction was made by copying the original chart by hand. The process of reproduction creates new organisms from the parent's cells.

Type of reproduction in various organisms?

There are two types of reproduction in organic lifeforms: sexual and asexual. Animals undergo sexual reproduction, which assumes two organisms procreating to produce an offspring of shared genetic material.Asexual reproduction, aka fission, spore formation, regeneration, and vegetative reproduction, produces an offspring genetically identical to its single parent -- it's also called "budding" or "sporing."Sexual reproduction produces offspring that is new and unique from the parent organisms -- as it is a combination (not a clone) of the parent genetics.Hope that helps.

Whyis mitosis a form of asexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction is when the resulting cells/organisms are genetically different from the parent cells/organisms. Asexual reproduction is when the resulting cells/organisms are genetically identical to the parent cells/organisms. Mitosis is the division of one nucleus into 2 genetically identical nuclei. Thus, it is asexual reproduction. On the other hand, meiosis results in 4 genetically different daughter cells. Thus, meiosis is an example of sexual reproduction.