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Nobody really knows why this happens.


Insects are attracted to flames as well as to fluorescent lights. Fire radiates a lot of heat (infra red radiation) and visible light. Fluorescent lights give off very little heat. That would lead most people to conclude that it is the light, rather than the heat that attracts them.

Insect lights use UV light to attract insects to their doom. Insects can see UV light and some insects can detect polarized light.

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Q: Results of are night insects attracted to lamps because of light or heat?
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Are night insects attracted to lamps because of the heat?


Are night insects attracted to lamps because heat or light?


Moths are attracted to light or heat more?

Nothing attracts insects to heat or light, they attract themselves because they are used to the sun or moon by their side. It is a navigation aid for them. so therefore, they aren't attracted by anything.

What attracts insects?

Both, depending on the bug. Some bugs are attracted to heat, like sandflies, and some others are attracted to light, like moths. There are even more things that bugs are attracted to. Mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide, a gas that you produce by breathing out!

Are night insects attracted to lamps because of heat or light?

Insects have evolved in earlier ages in which there was generally no light at night other than the moon, and they navigate with the help of the moon. Lights at night are confused with the moon and lead to navigational error, making it seem that insects are attracted to light.

Why do flies fly around lamps?

Not just flies fly around light but a lot of other flying bugs, they are attracted to it

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five stars are described as lamps because they are like lamps who guide the way in darkness they are lamps for all to see

For what purposes are UV lamps designed for?

Some of the purposes that UV lamps are designed for are to attract bugs and other insects. There may be a electric system rigged to the lamp to kill the insects as they hit the lamp. Other uses include black lights, which illuminates certain materials. UV light is invisible to the human eye, but makes other materials florescent.

Why do lamps can be lighten with electricity?

because the E13 + Ju6 = electricty

Why are wasps attracted to grass?

Well...A wasp's nest is his castle, and he will defend it with utmost ferocity. If you see a nest, leave it well alone. Wasps are also attracted to light, so as it starts to get dark, try to avoid switching on outdoor lamps or using candles until you really have to. That is what they do and why they do it is because...Many insects other than moths are attracted to light, in fact most insects can be found in greater or smaller numbers at light traps. Often in lighting strips you will find many insect species that have simply been attracted there by the light, moths, flies etc, and sometimes wasps. They seem to be able to find their way in not out again.Wasps are carniverous insects and will cut up and eat or take to their nest for the larvae to feed on, almost any creature or part thereof. They may be able to scent the dead insects in the light fittings, or it may just be the light that attracts them. They certainly won't be there to lay eggs. Only the Queen wasp can do that and she builds a nest for that purpose.This Information was got from Harry Eales Ancient EntomologistHope this helped :)

What are the different types of light?

Incandescent Lamps Light Emitting Diode Neon Lamps Fluorescent Tubes Compact Fluorescent Lamps Halogen Lamps Metal Halide Lamps High Intensity Discharge Lamps Low Pressure Sodium Lamps High Pressure Sodium Lamps

Why glow worm have abdomen lights up?

The lamps of insects that produce light usually have a function in the insects' reproduction. Adults have an average life expectancy of only a month and, during that short time, they need to attract a mate and reproduce to form the next generation. - Alangator