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Engine brake retarders (found usually on commercial vehicles) are intended to inhibit the camshaft's turning, which, in turn, slows down the turning of the driveshaft, which, in turn, slows the rotation of the tires, which, in turn, slows the vehicle down. This is the system commonly known as the "Jake brake".

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Q: Retarding the motor gives more gas?
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What gives a car power?

The gas and the motor or engine.

What happens if you do not replace knock sensor?

It will just keep your time from retarding use more gas put strain on engine.

What size motor is included on a typical gas hedge trimmer?

The most common size motor in a gas hedge trimmer is a 25 cc motor. More and more of them are being made with 26-27 cc motors.

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Because when your car runs out of gas there is no more gas in the fuel lines to run the motor so when you refuel it then start it there is nothing there to keep it running. The gas have to be pumped out of the tank and into the motor.

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basically it relates to the volume of the piston's compression1.5Leater motor compresses the space in the cylinder witch is 1.5 liters of air and gas and in a 2.0leater motor the space is 2.0 liters so you can see that you can get more gas and air mix in a 2.0 liters motor for a more powerful car unless turbo is on the 1.5 because a turbo kind of forces more air in to the cylinder so you can get more gas and get more power

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motor will not run completely the correct way. motor my not be as strong any more

How much gas is emitted from vehicle?

Depends on your mileage and all that motor vehicle talk. If its a fast car then it will emit more gas then a regular standard car because of sheer speed. The more speed the more gas emits.

Can coolant and gas ruin a motor?

yes, a mixture of coolant and gas can and will ruin your motor

What is like the reverse of an of an electric motor?

A gas motor.

Does running the heater in the car burn gas?

No. A car heater gets its heat from the motor and uses no extra gas at all, unlike a car's air conditioner which does use more gas.