

Rgb hex code in HTML code?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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14y ago

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You can use it for doing colours, using a 6 digit code. The first two digits for the amount of red, the second two for green and the last two for blue. Any tags or attributes using colours can use them. For the purpose of this answer, the bgcolor attribute in the body tag is being used. You could do it like this to get a black background on your page:

For a white background you could do:

For a green background you could do:

You can use various mixes to get different colours.Obviously the higher the number codes, the more of a particular colour you will have. Not all monitors and browsers will show colours in the same way. For that reason, there are what are known as safe colours, which should look similar on all browsers. These are made by using combinations of any of the following pairs:


So something like is more reliable than something like

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You can use CSS for this. Try body { background: #fff } Replace #fff with the name, hex code, RGBA code or HSLA code of the color you want.

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