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The Lithosphere

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Q: Rigid layer of the earth surrounding the asthenosphere?
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What is the rigid layer of earth surrounding the asthenosphere?

The rigid layer of earth surrounding the asthenosphere is the lithosphere.

What is the rigid layer of the Earth surrounding the asthenosphere?

The rigid layer of the earth that surround the asthenosphere is also known as the lithosphere. The lithosphere layer is further broken into several large sections which are known as tectonic plates. These plates ride above the asthenosphere.

Which rigid layer of the Earth surrounds the asthenosphere?

The lithosphere surrounds the asthenosphere.

What is the ridged layerof the earth surrounding the asthensphere?

The layer directly above the asthenosphere is the lithosphere.

What is the difference between the asthenosphere and magnetosphere?

The asthenosphere is a layer of Earth's mantle upper consisting of hot rock with a plastic texture. It is beneath the rigid lithosphere. The magnetosphere is Earth's magnetic field.

What is a crustal plate?

A crustal plate is a rigid layer of the Earth's crust that drifts slowly on the asthenosphere as it interacts with other plates.

Most deformable layer of the Earth?


What is the solid plastic layer of the mantle beneath the lithosphere?

The plastic-like layer of the Earth's upper mantle directly below the lithosphere is called the asthenosphere.

Does lithosphere and asthenosphere mean terms differ?

Yes. The lithosphere consists of the uppermost layers of Earth: the crust and the rigid portion of the mantle. The asthenosphere is the layer below the lithosphere, consisting of rock with a plastic texture.

What is the rocky rigid layer of the earth?

The rigid, rocky layer of the Earth is called the lithosphere.

Which layer of earth contains asthenosphere?

The asthenosphere is located in the upper mantle. The asthenosphere is below the lithosphere, the brittle outer shell of the Earth.

What layer in earth has flowing rocks?

The Asthenosphere.