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None. The story comes from the 1200's when it was an oral poem. People couldn't read so stories were created that were poems. They were easy to remember and to retell. Through the ages the story has changed. Characters have been added, changed, and forgotten. In modern times the story keeps changing because of the movies and new books. The term " hood" was used for the highway robber of the time because they wore a hood over the face. Anyone who was a criminal was a "hood".

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15y ago

Yes, there really was a person around that time who was called Robin Hood, but he was not as kindhearted as the old songs suggest.

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No, not real, fiction. But it's a good story...

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When was Robin Hood captured?

There is no evidence that a person named Robin Hood ever existed. It's a fictional story.

Is Robin Hood a real man?

Robin Hood is a heroic outlaw in English folklore.There is no evidence that he actually existed as a person.

What is the origin of the story Robin Hood?

The oldest versions of the story of Robin Hood are ballads which existed before 1450. I base my novel The Robin Hood Chronicles on those ballads.

What was the date Robin Hood was born?

Robin Hood was a folklore legend in England. He has never been proven to have actually existed, so there's no way to know when he was born. Most of the references to him came about in the late 13th century.

At what age did Robin Hood start fighting?

Robin Hood was not real and the story began as a oral poem in the 1200's.. He was not real and there is no historical evidence he existed.

Who made up Robin Hood?

no one is sure if a guy called Robin Hood existed it's a myth that has lasted for centuries, but Sherwood Forest does exist (where he was from).

What were the differences between Robin Hood of Errol and Robin Hood of greenwood?

the only Errol I know associated with Robin Hood is Errol Flynn who played Robin Hood in the 1939 film.

What were the foresters like in Robin Hood?

Robin Hood is two words and foresters, and robin hoods nick name is also Robert hood

Is Robin Hood real or a story for kids?

Robin Hood is a character of folklore, who may have been based on an actual person . There is much written on Robin Hood, but much of it is contradictory or outright storyteller invention; so it is impossible to say if he actually existed.

Good facts to know about Robin Hood?

A good fact about robin hood is that there is some doubt that such a person ever existed. Or that anyone robbed from the rich to give to the poor! Also, though Sherwood Forest is supposed to be the area, other areas in the UK claim it was in their county.

Do the wealthy know the identity of Robin Hood in the story Robin Hood?

Robin Hood does not have a secret identity. Robin Hood is the bandit that robs from people in Sherwood Forest.

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