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Jazz and African American rock 'n' roll. More accurately, the Mississippi Delta Blues, Rhythm and Blues, Country Music, Folk Music, American Commercial Pop, and a little Swing Jazz.

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Q: Rock n roll origins can be traced back to?
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Does religion have an impact on the music?

yes in fact most music of the secular world today has origins that are traced back to religious groups and praise.such as gospel into blues into rock n roll into acid rock etc. Yes, and the climate and nature also greatly affect

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Identify the origins of rock-and-roll music, listing which musical genres it blends together, and name a person who was an important figure in its early development

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Identify the origins of rock-and-roll music, listing which musical genres it blends together, and name a person who was an important figure in its early development

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What is a strong back beat in music?

That would be a description of rock and roll, sometimes called rock music.

What is the song that goes you rock you rock you roll you roll?

Eric Hutchinson rock and roll

Is hinder on drugs?

No they want to bring back the old days of rock and roll

What kind of musci was back in the 1960s?

Rock 'n Roll, Country and Jazz

Why do people say you rock?

because "back in the day" rock and roll was the best. so everyone started saying you rock. they mean that youre cool because rock and roll was cool. it caught on and now people are saying it today.

What kind of music did you have in the 1960s?

rock and roll rock and roll

Who is architect for rock n roll hall of fame?