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its an ecosystem

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Q: Role of a population of organisms within a particular habitat?
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Related questions

What is the difference between an organism's habitat and its niche?

An organisms habitat is where the organism lives; ex ocean, forest, desert etc. The organisms niche is its role within the habitat.

Why might organisms within a population spread out randomly within their habitat?

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What is alpha biodiversity?

Measurement of organisms within one habitat

What is reduced diversity in a population?

This questions is two broad and has too many variables to answer effectively.

All the organisms that live together in an area?

Group of one species living together is called population. Group of populations living in an area is called community. Group of populations living in an area plus the environment around them is called ecosystem.

What is the difference between the habitat and ecosystem?

An ecosystem is a complex interaction of living and non-living processes. A habitat is a physical place, within an ecosystem, where a particular species tends to be found.

What are explains of homozygous and heterozygous organisms within a population?

yes there is. I have it.

Is unit of evolution species or population?

Population is the unit of evolution. A population is defined as a group of organisms of a particular species that inhabits a particular area. Natural selection acts on traits within that population that are beneficial in the particular area. Another population of the same species may be under different selective pressures (as it is found in a different location), and natural selection may therefore act on different traits within that second population. The two populations, thus, may evolve differently. Therefore, the unit of evolution is the population, not species.

What is a group of organisms within a species that is adapted to particular environmental conditions?


What does population density measures?

the term population density measures the amount of humans in a particular are or geographical region. It can also apply to different living organisms and smaller areas.

What is the differ of habitat and niche?

Habitat is the place where Nature intended you to live and grow to your best advantage. "Niche" is a particular area or function within your habitat that suits you, yourself, best.

What is the place where groups of organisms live and grow called?

Niches within habitats are where organisms live. Organisms claim certain parts of their homelands in order to find their eating, exercising, mating, and resting needs met.