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Q: Roles of Dick Cheney in the Iraq war?
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What war was fought while Dick Cheney?

war on Iraq

Why are we at war in Iraq?

So that Dick Cheney and his corporate pals could make billions of dollars off of the deaths of thousands of soldiers and civilians. The Iraq War was built on lies and deception.

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Iraq War!! Bush and Cheney!

How many time did dick cheney receive deferments during the Vietnam war?

5 believe it or not

Why is dick cheney not in jail?

Dick Cheney has not been convicted of any crimes that would warrant imprisonment. While there have been controversies surrounding his time as Vice President, particularly related to the Iraq War and enhanced interrogation techniques, no legal charges have successfully led to a conviction. Additionally, prosecutorial discretion and the statute of limitations may also play a role in why he has not faced legal consequences.

What is Dick Cheney's role in government?

Dick Cheney was President Ford's Chief of Staff. Later, he was the Secretary of Defense. He was then Vice President during the Bush administration. He was an executive powers fanatic and wanted to enhance the powers that the president had, especially during 9-11 and the War on Terror. If you want to know more about him, you can watch Frontline's "Cheney's Law". You can find it online somewhere. It's about an hour long. It's pretty interesting if you can get into it.

What happened in the 2003 war?

we went to war looking for nukes and found oil in a longer explanation the bush administration mostly run by Dick Cheney sent us to war with Iraq after 9/11 (in spite of that country having nothing to do with that tragedy) to look for weapons of mass destruction of a nuclear nature (main goal was to find and destroy them). but after not finding anything and discovering that the supposedly trenches were just watering holes for cattle we decided to take their oil while were there.

What was the name of the war with Iraq?

Iraq war

What type of music do Iraq people listen to?

stop the war in Iraq please stop the war in Iraq please stop the war in Iraq please stop the war in Iraq please

Who was in the Iraq war?

The people involved in the war in Iraq are the US, Iraq and the UK.

What war began in 1980 after Iraq was invaded?

There was a war that began in Iraq in 1980, but the war began with an invasion of Iran, not Iraq. That war is the Iran-Iraq War and lasted from 1980-1988.

What actors and actresses appeared in War on Terror - 2011?

The cast of War on Terror - 2011 includes: Mustafa Ait Idir Bob Bateman Dick Cheney Jamil Dakwar Murat Kurnaz Manfred Nowak Condoleezza Rice Donald Rumsfeld