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Q: Roles of parents for their 16 year old child?
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Can parents emancipate their 16 year old child?

It's a judge who does that, not the parents.

A seventeen year old female in Oregon with child and a nineteen year old male want to live at his parents house can she do that without her parents permission?

No you are a minor with a child and need your parents permission to move.

Cana 11 year old babysit?

i think that question is up to the parents of the 11 year old and the parents of the child he/she wants to babysit.

Can a 17 year old who has a child move out of her parents home without their consent and not face any legal ramifications?

No, the 17 year old is still a minor with/without a child. A child having a child doesn't make them an adult. Parents are still responsible of the 17 year old until they are 18.

What if you are a 16 year old adopted child and want to move out your parents house?

You used the word child. And legally they are a child and the parents decide where they are to live.

Is it okey to live a 4-year-old child without parents?

no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What happens if a 17 year old boy has a baby with an 18 year old girl?

They become parents of the child. And have all the responsibilities of having a child, including child support.

If a 16 year old daughter had a baby with an 18 year old boy could her parents keep him from the baby?

No. They can keep their child from him but they have no right to keep him from his child.

Is it possible for a 17 year old to marry a 22 year old in Ohio if the 17 year old already has a child?

With her parents permission, yes.

Can a four year old child be questioned with out parents?

no because he/sheis to young

If a 24 year old child is here illegally and the parents are legal is it possible for the child to become legal?

It depends. But it is likely - if the parents petition on behalf of the adult-child.

If a 13 year old girl gets pregnant by a 15 year old boy in the state of Alabama is the girls parents responsible?

The parents will continue be responsible for their daughter and for her child.