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Q: Rules of behavior known as the Ten Commandments were derived from what tradition a. Jewish c. Roman b. Greek d. Muslim?
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How many commandments did the Torah have?

The Torah did have, and still has, 613 commandments, according to Jewish tradition.

Is the ten commandments the beginning of Jewish history?

No. Tradition holds that Jewish history began with Abraham, about 500 years before the giving of the 10 commandments.

Were the moral laws of ancient Hebrews the ten commandments?

The Ten Commandments were only 10 of the moral laws of the Hebrews. Jewish tradition holds that there are 613 commandments in total.

How are mosaic laws different from Ten Commandments?

Jewish tradition identifies 613 distinct commandments in the Torah, all of which tradition holds were given to Moses on Mt. Sinai. In the Jewish tradition, what Christians call the ten commandments are called the 10 statements because not all of them have the form of commandents. Jews consider themselves to be bound by the 613 commandments, while they consider non-Jews to be bound only by the 7 commandments of the Noachide covenant (the covenant of the Rainbow) discussed in the book of Genesis at the end of the story of Noah.

What is the relationship between the Israelite's and their god?

Judaism is defined by a covenant between the Jewish people and God. Jewish tradition holds that this covenant was made at Mount Sinai, and that the Torah is the document that defines the terms of the covenant. The tradition identifies 613 mitzvot, commandments, in the Torah, and that Jews are obligated by these commandments as their part of the covenant.

Who made the judaism laws?

Jewish tradition holds that the 613 commandments came from God, but modern halacha (Jewish Law) is the result of a partnership between God and Jews.

Jewish tradition teaches that governments in Jewish societies should make policies that conform to the Ten Commandments. This illustrates the belief that?

the laws of man are to be based on the laws of God [APEX]

What is the Jewish tradition teaches that governments in Jewish Socities should make policies that conform to the ten commandments this illustrates the belief that?

The laws of man are to be based on the laws of god.For APEX 2020

What is the most important commandment for Jews and why?

Jewish law and tradition teach explicitly that it is impossible to know which commandments are more or less important than others.

Why is Judaism a complex religion?

Judaism emphasizes actions over belief. To be an observant Jew is to act in conformance with Jewish tradition, and that requires knowing the tradition. Judaism traditionally holds that Jews are held to 613 commandments found in the Torah, and the Talmud contains a huge volume of sometimes contradictory discussion about how to keep these commandments.

Where are the basic laws and teaching of Judaism found?

In the Torah, the first 5 books of the Bible (Genesis through Deuteronomy). Jewish tradition counts 613 distinct commandments in the Torah.

How does Hebrew tradition preserved?

Jewish tradition was preserved by the Jewish Prophets, Sages, Torah-commentators and codifiers. Jewish tradition is preserved by learning and keeping the Torah.