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If you need a Schengen Visa it applies for all Schengen countries, this means that you can then travel freely within the Schengen area for the length of your visa.

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Can i enter to a different schengen country from the schengen country that issued my visa?

Yes.If you need a Schengen Visa it applies for all Schengen countries, this means that you can then travel freely within the Schengen area as long as your visa remains valid.

Can you enter Italy via Germany with Schengen visa issued by Italian Embassy?

Usually you have to enter the country that issued your Schengen visa first, then you can travel to any other Schengen country. Check with your local German embassy.

Can you use a schengen visa issued by the Italian Embassy to enter Paris?

Yes, provided that you enter Italy as your first Schengen country, and then travel to France without leaving the Schengen Area. If you need a Schengen Visa it applies for all Schengen countries, this means that you can then travel freely within the Schengen area as long as your visa remains valid.

Can i travel from a different country that issued your schengen ie i have visa to Italy from Italian embassy in Cairo. can i travel from Dubai to Italy?

can i visit italy? im only visit visa here in dubai? Answer Usually, yes. A schengen visa grants you the possibility to travel to any schengen signing country. It doesn't matter where do you come from. For example, when you arrive at the airport in Rome, the customs officer will only check your passport for a valid visa, he won't ask you where does your flight come from. (it might be different with other types of transport).

When applying for a schengen visa do you have to travel first to the same country you applied to?

Yes, normally you have to get he Schengen visa from the first country you wish to visit.If your plans have changed after the visa was issued, contact the embassy again, they may be able to alter the visa.

If you have a schengen visa to Spain as a citizen of Nigeria can you enter into any other schengen country?

YesOnce you are legally in the Schengen Area, you can freely travel to any other Schengen country.

Can a Netherlands issued schengen visa be used for travel to Italy and is anything else required when entering Italy?

Yes. Normally you have to enter the Netherlands first, and then travel to Switzerland directly without leaving the Schengen Area. If you need a Schengen Visa it applies for all Schengen countries, this means that you can then travel freely within the Schengen area as long as your visa remains valid.

Is schengen tourist visa valid for 2 days travel to Montenegro?

Montenegro is not a part of the Schengen Area, therefore a Schengen visa is not valid in Montenegro. Note Montenegro does not border on any Schengen countries, so unless you are flying there from a Schengen country, you may need a visa for whatever country you travel through.

What countries can Liberia citizens enter visa free?

There is no European country where a Liberian can travel visa free. If you can get a Schengen visa, you can travel to those countries in the Schengen zone.

Is it possible that a schengen visa be valid for only 1 country supposedly Germany?

I have never heard of this. Schengen visas are normally valid for all Schengen countries. work permits are another thing, they are normally restricted to one country. But you can then travel on holiday to any other Schengen country.

If you have Schengen visa from Italy should you travel to Italy first?

Not necessary, you can go any schengen country. By Rayhan, Komol and Shihab

But why according to schengen rules you can entry any schengen country irrespective of where the visa was issued?

Because the whole point of Schengen is that it has abolished border controls between these countries. Schengen and EU citizens have the right to travel to other Schengen and EU countries without any restriction. Most of these countries are also members of the EU, which has abolished customs between its members. As a result there are no border controls, just a sign by the side of the road when you cross from one country to another. Therefore once you have a Schengen visa and have entered the Schengen Area, these is nothing to stop you travelling to any other Schengen country. You can go from the Helsinki (Finland) to Lisbon (Portugal) and you wil not encounter a single border post.