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How long should stitches be in?

The Doctor Who put them in will be able to best judge how long they need to be left in, but on average stitches on the face should be left in for 3-5 days, stitches on the body or scalp 7-10 days, and stitches on extremities 10-14 days. When a stitch is put in on a joint like the elbow or knee, the wound will take longer to heal and stitches should be left in for a full two weeks. Stitches being left in for too long risk infection and painful extraction and stitches removed too soon can result in the wound opening up again. (WikiAnswers and all contributors are not responsible for the advice given. This advice is given for informational use only and should not not constitute or replace professional medical advice.)

How long should stitches be left in groin?

It varies as to where they are. This something to talk to your doctor about.

How many weeks are left in 2009 as of October 5th?

12 weeks three days

How long do stiches stay in?

The doctor who put them in will be able to best judge how long they need to be left in, but on average stitches on the face should be left in for 3-5 days, stitches on the body or scalp 7-10 days, and stitches on extremities 10-14 days. When a stitch is put in on a joint like the elbow or knee, the wound will take longer to heal and stitches should be left in for a full two weeks. Stitches being left in for too long risk infection and painful extraction and stitches removed too soon can result in the wound opening up again. (WikiAnswers and all contributors are not responsible for the advice given. This advice is given for informational use only and should not not constitute or replace professional medical advice.)

What happens if stitches are left in body?

It depends on the nature of the stitches. Some are designed to be left in the body as they gradually dissolve. Others are designed to fall out. Sometimes, nothing at all will happen, except for itching around the site of the stitches. Sometimes the area that has stitches gets infected.

Will stitches left too long hurt a cat?

If you do not clean the stitches, I would not be supised if the stitches got infected or if your cat was not careful and they caught on something.

Can hamsters figure out who their owners are after three weeks with living with them?

I should think so if you interact with it many times. If your hamster is just left to be on it's own, no!

A sentence with zany in?

The zany comedy left the audience in stitches.

How long do stitches need to be left in on the hand?

depending on the cut

How do you say 3 weeks left in french?

It depends what you want to say. For example, if you want to say there's three weeks left before Christmas, say "Il reste trois semaines"

What does it mean when a knitting pattern says to WYF slip next 7 stitches?

You probably are doing knit stitches so the yarn is at the back of the project. Move the yarn to the front (as if you were starting to purl) and move the stitches from the left needle to the right needle (if you are left handed from right to left). Then continue your project accordingly. WYF means "with yarn in front"

When knitting after you have cast on when it comes time to knit the slip knot do you knit it or does it stay on your left needle Or do you knit it over to the right needle?

When you reach the slip knot, knit it just like all of the other stitches, throwing it off at the end just like the other stitches. When you have knit the slip knot, all of the stitches should be on the right needle, and the left needle should be completely free*.*There may be some exceptions to this rule, as in circular knitting, but this will not be addressed until you are an advanced knitter, and you don't have to worry about that right now.