

Best Answer

I agree with Bill

I agree with Bill, but Sam makes some good points

I agree equally with Sam and Bill

I agree with Sam

I agree with Sam but Bill makes some good points

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Q: Sam and Bill are debating whether a sick day for reasons other than illness is wrong?
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Substitutions are only allowed in a cricket match for very specific reasons. These include, injury, illness, or other wholly acceptable reasons.

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What aren't some reasons? 3-year-olds will have tantrums for any reason that they see fit...especially if they haven't had a nap. Other reasons might be illness, sadness, hunger or to get attention.

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The most common reasons for misscariage is accidents such as falling or accidental sliding. Other reasons could be too much stress and presence of another illness.

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They are Opponents.

Is debating a sport?

No it doesnt seem like a sport to me. to me a sport is something that takes coordination and physical ability and debating basically is just arguing with other people

Can arguing be considered debating?

Arguing can be considered debating if it has facts behind it or someone is trying to make a point. However, debating turns into arguing when name calling and other put downs are being used and there are no points be made, just yelling.

What is the importance of debate?

To argue legally and importantly without beating the crap out of each other. For a more common use of debating, please refer to the debating clubs of schools, or see "Politics".

Is patient another abstract noun for the word illness?

No, the noun 'patient' is not an abstract noun. The noun 'patient' is a concrete noun, a word for a person.The noun 'patient' is not related to or a form of the noun 'illness'.A 'patient' may or may not have an illness. A 'patient' is a person cared for for any number of reasons other than illness, for example cosmetic surgery, a personal problem, a minor injury, etc.

What does a Fourth official do in soccer?

The fourth official is in reserve in case one of the other three must retire during a match (injury or illness being the most frequent reasons).