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Q: Sayings that people use are called?
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Why are the sayings of Confucius still repeated today?

it is still used today because it helps people lives, to keep everything calm. most people use his sayings but not all

What are words to live by?

Words to live by are philosophical and or spiritual sayings or expressions. People use these sayings as a basis for some of the decisions that they make, or the way that they live.

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What was the wise sayings of Solomon that were written down called?

The wise sayings of Solomon that were written down are called the Book of Proverbs in the Bible.

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Are Slang and colloquialism use synonymous?

Not always. Colloquialisms are old, common sayings, but slang is often new words and sayings.

What are those pictures with the funny sayings and the black border called?

either they are called gortenborg's or they are called danmuffins

What is the main topic of proverbs?

Proverbs means wise sayings that what most of it is. Wise sayings that people should do to be successful in life and to be in God's favor.

What are old sayings called?

Old wive's tales, saws, allegorical advice.

What sayings do recipes use that sound violent?

Whip, beat, pound

What do people use the Quran for and why?

All Islam teachings and morals are based on Quran and prophet Mohamed sayings and practices. see the related questions below for more information.