

Scapeship took the first man on the moon?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Apollo 11 Lunar Module, call sign Eagle.

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Q: Scapeship took the first man on the moon?
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What year was the first man on the moon?

1969 is when the first man on the moon Neil Armstrong took man's first steps on the moon.

Who was the first man who took a step on the moon?

Neil Armstrong

Which is the first rocket and the first man who went to the moon?

The first man to put foot on the moon was Neil Armstrong followed shortly by Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin. The rocket that took them into Earth orbit was a Saturn V (five). The spacecraft that took them to the moon and into orbit around it was an Apollo and the spacecraft that took them from moon orbit to the surface of the moon was a Lunar Module.

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There was a fixed camera .

What was the name of the rocket that took the first man to the moon?

Apollo 11

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The Apollo 11 mission was the first manned mission to land on the Moon.

space craft that took the first man to the moon?

Saturn V Rocket

Name of the first rocket which took man to the moon?

The rocket itself was the Saturn V. If you're referring to the first spacecraft to ORBIT the moon, that would be Apollo 8. The first spacecraft to LAND on the moon was Apollo 11's lander 'Eagle'.

What did the first man on the moon say when he took his first step?

"That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind"

What was the name of the spaceship that took the first man to the moon?

Apollo 11. The lunar lander that carried them to the moon's surface was called the eagle.

What was the date the first man took a step on the moon?

During the Apollo 11 mission, Neil Armstrong took the first step onto Moon's surface on July 21 1969 at 02:56 UTC.

Who was the first man on the moon and what was his spacecraft called?

Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon. The rocket that took the crew there was a Saturn 5 rocket and thermally module was called LM-5, known as the 'Eagle'.